Terms and conditions of Swibeco PLUS

1. Purpose of the contract and scope of application

This agreement supplements the general terms and conditions of Swibeco to which the Customer has subscribed (hereinafter: the T&Cs).

When using the FREE Platform Solution within the meaning of the T&Cs, the Customer may acquire an upgrade (hereinafter: Swibeco PLUS) which offers additional benefits. This agreement governs the Customer’s membership of Swibeco PLUS.

2. Swibeco PLUS

By subscribing to Swibeco PLUS, the Customer with access to the FREE Platform Solution acquires the right to access the goods and services offered on the Website (within the meaning of the T&Cs) at the same preferential conditions as those prevailing for customers with access to the PRO Platform Solution (within the meaning of the T&Cs).

3. Subscription to Swibeco PLUS

The Customer subscribes to Swibeco PLUS by purchasing the corresponding product (hereinafter: the Purchase) on the Website (within the meaning of the T&Cs). The Customer may subscribe to Swibeco PLUS for the duration of his choice, according to the duration options offered at the time of the Purchase, at the rate in force at the time of the Purchase. The duration of Swibeco PLUS starts with the activation of Swibeco PLUS, which takes place immediately after the Purchase.

4. Non-refundability of Swibeco PLUS

Under no circumstances may the Customer request reimbursement from Swibeco PLUS, including but not limited to the cases where:

  1. the Customer’s access to the FREE Platform is terminated for any reason, in particular if the Customer’s employer or the Business Partner who granted the Customer access to the Platform has terminated its collaboration with Swibeco;
  2. the Customer’s employer or the Business Partner who granted the Customer access to the Platform terminates the Customer’s access to the FREE Platform Solution;
  3. the Customer obtains, for example as a result of a subscription by his employer to the PRO Platform Solution, access to the PRO Platform.

5. Adherence to this Agreement

By purchasing, the Customer is deemed to have agreed to this Agreement.

6. Reference to the T&Cs

Reference is also made to the T&Cs (https://swibe.co/cg-en), which apply to this agreement.

7. Amendment of the contract

Swibeco has the right to amend this contract at any time without restriction and without prior notice to the customer.

8. Applicable law and place of jurisdiction

This Agreement is subject to Swiss domestic law. The exclusive place of jurisdiction for any dispute arising from this contract is Lausanne, Canton of Vaud.