healthy breakfast

Learn more about the best healthy breakfast you can eat before starting your workday!

So, now that we have had a big glass of hot water, lemon, ginger and honey, and that our morning routine is complete, what can we actually eat to continue on this healthy note for a perfect day? Let’s take a look at our various options of a delicious healthy breakfast.


VEGAN STYLE: Chia seed pudding or Overnight oats




Both options are full of proteins and will keep you full throughout your morning, without that pick in energy.

You can add any type of superfood and fruits to have a full and delicious breakfast.





SMOOTHIES : Your morning vitamins!




All kinds of mixes of fresh fruits and veggies with an some coconut water or veggie milk are good options. However, be careful with quantities. When we blend your fruits and vegetables, we tend to blend too many!






And don’t forget to top your morning smoothie with some superfoods! Chia seeds, goji berries, cacao nibs, etc…

These seeds are a complete protein rich in fiber, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus and manganese. Eat them every day will help you to stay healthy and have great energy.




HEALTHY BREAKFAST:  Salty lovers or “Normal” ones




Eggs, avocado, or just a combo of both…. Avocado Toast, with an egg! Prepare toast and fried eggs to personal preference. Mash avocado with lime juice and additional seasonings you prefer. Spread avocado on each slice of toast then top each with a fried eggs. Serve immediately.






Those of you who enjoy some bread and coffee in the morning you might just do so, but chose the best options; whole-wheat bread, some honey or nut butter and you can top that with some bananas.





The one tip that should be followed by everyone is to limit the amount of sugar during breakfast, and actually also throughout the day. Refined sugar has been proven to be a trigger to all kinds of diseases and should be avoided by all.


warning limit refined sugar


PS: These are just tips and recommendations and you should go to a registered dietician should you experience health and weight issues.



Marion Argi , certified ACE personal trainer and founder of One Step More ( is now part of Swibeco’s health advisory team. Marion will periodically give you great wellness tips.